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    Museum Tidings
    The official quarterly newsletter of the Tehama County Museum
    (Web Edition)

    Early Winter Issue 1998
    Tehama County Museum Foundation
    275 C. Street
    P.O. Box 275
    Tehama, CA 96090
    Phone: (530)384-2595
    Email: tcmuse@tehama.net
    Web Site: http//www.tehamacountymuseum.org


    After the Christmas recess, the Museum will open again on Saturday, Jan. 31st, for regular hours of 1 to 4 PM on both Saturday and Sunday, with special weekday tours by special appointment. Call (530) 384-2420


    ANNOUNCING…Take this column with you to your calendar and make note of these COMING EVENTS:

    FEB. 20, 21 & 22. The BIENNIAL QUILT SHOW. Pat Felthouse has the application blanks, helpful hands are already available to put up the racks and install the quilts on Feb. 19th. There will be the usual catalog, lunch will be available, and WAIT ‘TIL YOU SEE THE GORGEOUS QUILT PAT HAS MADE TO RAFFLE!!!

    A QUEEN-SIZE blue and white pattern will go to some lucky winner. Board members have raffle tickets to purchase…see them!!

    If you would like to assist in receiving the entries on Thursday, please come a little before 9 AM. Perhaps you would rather help return the quilts to their owners after 4 PM Sunday. If so, stick around. MANY HANDS MAKE LIGHT WORK!

    APRIL 26 th at 2:30 PM. An Afternoon of Chopin as a benefit for the Museum. This event will be held at Margaret Bauer’s home where she can use her own piano. As an added attraction, Faith Bennett and Sharon Davis will sing lovely melodies. The same program will be presented on the Saturday afternoon at 2:30 PM as a benefit for St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Corning where Maggie is organist. Light refreshments will be served.

    JULY 3rd, FRIDAY…Annual celebration of the Declaration of Independence at 7 PM on the front lawn of the Museum. Music, readings, and other entertainment with refreshments in the Bauer Gallery.

    PROBABLY THE SECOND WEEK IN MAY…the presentation of programs to celebrate Archeology week. Specific dates will be announced later.

    SEPTEMBER 12th and 13th ….the ANNUAL JUBILEE. There are new things in store for that event plus the next set of exhibits to celebrate the Sesquicentenial Birthday of California. It is a mistake ever to miss this gala affair.

    NOVEMBER 11th…A repeat of the successful ARMISTICE DAY celebration. The younger the people, the less apt they are to know why we have any celebration in the beginning of Novemeber. This event marks the difference between an Armistice and a Surrender.

    PROBABLY DECEMBER 13th at 2PM will be the ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY and APPRECIATION for the DOCENTS. The Museum will then close for the holiday month.

    Notice of the resumption of open hours will be made in plenty of time so that Docents will be assigned and plans drawn up for the NEXT year of THRILLING AFFAIRS!


    The 1998 board have special things they can be in charge of…-(I know, I know, you are not supposed to end a sentence with a preposition. . Reminds me of the little boy sick in bed whose mother offered to read him a story. She went downstairs and selected a book. When she got back to his bedroom the little boy wailed: "Why did you bring that book I didn’t want to be read TO OUT OF UP FOR?" Count ‘em…FIVE prepositions!) To continue, Ruth is in charge of the Gift Shop; Dick C is a history specialist and liason with other historical clubs; Pat directs the Docent program, organizes the Quilt Show and, being a retired librarian, is another history specialist; Marty is our PR man and liason with civic organizations; Jeannie is 3rd generation Tehama and steering member; Richard and Darrell are both Archeologists; Dick Ochs is also a good PR man and knowledgable local resident; Margaret steers the programs for the JUBILEE each year; Betty and Frank lend a cosmopolitan air to whatever they assist with ...Docents, events, or whatever. Chris Balogh is the History teacher and student Docent coordinator.

    What are some of the projects the board is considering? In addition to the annual events as listed, the first priority of course is the Annex...See the enclosed twopage spread. Producing Both an audio tape and video documentation of local stories, anecdotes, displays etc. to bring the upstairs downstairs for handicapped individuals. Repointing the brickwork, window repair and removing the butternut tree by the front walk. It is too bad we ever had the time or energy to discover exactly how to use the nuts for dyeing cloth or making cookies or something. Butternuts are not native to California, but go back in history to the earliest pioneers along the Atlantic coast. But it is in a dangerous condition now, and we don’t need to have it topple over onto the Museum! Another worthwhile project is to catalog all the written materials we have collected over the years into a research primary resources. Pat has agreed to organize this large undertaking. When the Annex is ready, these materials will have a place in the Conference Room. The president mentioned that a simple file of 3 x 5 cards would be most useful for those who do not have an affinity for computers! And then there are projected improvemen5s to the Gallery. This is all to let you know that things are moving forward at your Museum! Come join in on some of these projects and help it all to go forward faster!

    "You follow the rules, you do what you can, you say what you must, and you live with what happens." Old Folk-loric Saying



    We have two mire names to add to our growing list of life Members:


    Anyone can be a Life Member for $200, and when the notice for Dues comes around, they have nothing to worry about.



    And speaking of dues notices …last time the regular notice was included in the newsletter. All but 63 of our members have sent in their dues for this year. But 63 is equal to about one-third of the membership, so it means we are having to opearte on a smaller budget than is comfortable. (I didn’t count in either category the number of complimentary copies we send to other Museums and such.) Both knees are bent at an uncomfortable angle, pleading with you 63 to get your dues up to date …PUH-LEEZE! After all, you can have a 10% discount on anything you buy at our Gift Shop with your card! We will soon have a new book to offer you as soon as it comes off the press: Little Schools of Southwest Tehama County, Merril Bauer’s Master’s Thesis. Come check out what we already have!



    "The urge to perform is NOT any indication of talent!" ...Garrison Keiylor


    We get more mail in a week than our parents got in a month. Our parents got more mail in a month than our grandparents got in a year. Our grandparents got more mail in a year than our great-grandparents got in a lifetime. No wonder they had more trees then.

    Since this column, THIS TIME, is just for fun (Phor Phun?) here are some more startling statistics (‘er som’pin).

    We live in the Space Age. The other day someone said to me, "Do you know what astronauts eat?" I said, "No." He answered, "Launch meat."

    Do you know why cows wear bells: Their horns don’t work.

    What happens when you sterilize a cow? She is decaffeinated.

    Why were King Arthur’s days called the Dark Ages? Because there were so many Knights.

    Why did the little shoe have so many psychological problems? Because its father was a loafer and its mother was a sneaker.

    The man went to the doctor because every time he put on his hat he heard music. The doctor fixed everything. He took the band out.

    What did the volcano say to the earthquake? It’s not my fault.

    What did the English teacher call Santa’s helpers? Subordinate clauses.

    What do you get when you cross a dinosaur and a termite? Of course…DYNAMITE!

    Tehama County Museum Foundation; P.O. Box 275; Tehama, CA 96090
    (530) 384-2595

    © 2011 David Louis Harter, California Technologies